Chogan Swan
author : Chogan Swan
Chogan Swan is a subversive, wild-eyed, non-violent neoRevolutionary who lives in the country of the mind in the world of thoughts in the universe of ideas.\n\nIn this tiny corner of the space-time continuum, Chogan studied Philosophy and later collected graduate degrees in Business and Systems Engineering from a major US university renowned for its abundant alcohol consumption and passion for a particularly barbaric blood-sport. Go Hokies! :)\n\nThese studies, however, led to an interest in Systems Thinking and how to work together to save the world for everyone.\n\nIt won't be easy.\n(But then what is that's worth having?)\n\nPhilosopher, poet, prophet, revolutionary--sentients in various realities have used these words to describe Chogan. Of course, the truth is in the interstices.\n\nThe motivating force for Chogan's ... 'messages in bottles' to the multiverse ...\nhas been succinctly captured by the words of Harlan Ellison:\n\n\
Chogan Swan Book Series
Valishnu Rising
1799 Planetfall
Against That Shining Darkness: Boxed Set Trilogy
Thick Black Theory: A Symbiont Wars Book (Symbiont Wars Universe)
Fight for the Future: Symbiont Wars Book III (Symbiont Wars Universe 3)
Sentients in the Maze: Symbiont Wars Book II (Symbiont Wars Universe 2)
Sentients in the Maze
Fight for the Future